About H and H Auto

During these unusual times H&H would like to assure you that we are following all precautionary guidelines set forth to protect our customers and staff and are still here to serve you. We are set up to help you purchase a vehicle from your own home. Our staff is prepared to help you by phone or internet to still be able to see the vehicle you want online or we can bring it to you. Also we can handle all applications electronically and will deliver your vehicle and paperwork to your doorstep. call at 336-756-7940 for NC location or 276-236-7300 in VA or go online at www.nobodywalksnc.com or nobodywalksva.com.

"Nobody walks till the Boss Man talks!!"Since November of 2000, H&H Auto Sales has brought quality pre-owned cars, trucks, vans, and SUVs to the people of Surry County and surrounding areas.  Because the customer is the number one here; Everyone from the sales staff to the top brass have one goal on there mind "To give You the best sales experience and service in town".  All of our vehicles must pass a thorough 136 point inspection before given a full detail and offered to the public.  Shop and compare and H&H will be the place for your next vehicle purchase. www.nobodywalksnc.com

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